UA-198227475-1 PERTH BUILDING REPAIR | Inglewood, Western Australia
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apartment building repair perth


Perth Building Repair is a family business located in Inglewood, Western Australia and builds on 50 years' experience in building repair solutions in Perth. We are specialists in diagnosing and repairing building faults and defects on multi-storey, residential and commercial properties.

From diagnosis of the building fault or defect, to developing a detailed scope of work, and executing the work required to provide a long-term solution to the issue. All work conforms to the Home Building Contracts Act 1991 legislation protecting property owners throughout the building process.


A local, family company led by a team of registered builders Perth Building Repair will repair and restore your building to professional standards, giving you peace of mind.


Repair and Remediation

If your property has a history of maintenance or repairs that have not fixed a long-term problem, a more detailed look by one of our specialist registered builders may be required. Let Perth Building Repair help you find the cause of the problem with an investigation by one of the team's experienced technicians.


Services Available

If your building is looking a little worse for wear, whether it be ongoing roof leaks, an increase in the size of cracks in brickwork or concrete, balustrade issues or damaged paintwork, leave it to the experts at Perth Building Repair who specialise in the remediation of a wide range of internal and external building faults and defects.

Examples of our investigative and repair work

Current Work

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